Donna Fletcher Crow, Novelist of British History, has written more than 50 books specializing in British Christianity. These books include: The Monastery Murders, clerical mysteries; Lord Danvers Investigates, Victorian true-crime; The Elizabeth and Richard series, literary suspense; and Glastonbury, The Novel of Christian England. She loves research and sharing you-are-there experiences with her readers.
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Donna Fletcher Crow, Novelist of British History
A traveling researcher engages people and places from Britain's past and present, drawing comparisons and contrasts between past and present for today's reader.
Kishanda Fulford on Reading Jane Austen, Ghosts, and Life in a Stately Home
By Donna Fletcher Crow ~ October 29, 2021
I first "met" Kishanda Fulford when my co-blogger Fay Sampson reported onKishanda Fulford, Janeite?
By Donna Fletcher Crow ~ December 3, 2020
I have recently been paying more attention to those so-important Search Engine Optimization stats for my website. In checking the analytics, I have found some very helpful information—some encouraging, some not so, and some downright puzzling.Fay Sampson Discovers Frankenstein and Family Roots in Great Fulford
By Donna Fletcher Crow ~ February 27, 2016
For my husband’s birthday we attended a promenade performance of Frankenstein by the Four of Swords theatre company. This took place in the historic manor house of Great Fulford.